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Regular price €4.950,00 EUR
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SiWAVE MULTI HOME – Dein tägliches Schwingungstraining für mehr Wohlbefinden und schnellere Regeneration!

Beschleunigt die Regeneration nach Verletzungen, Operationen oder Bewegungseinschränkungen
Unterstützt die Rehabilitation und hilft, Beweglichkeit, Muskelkraft und Koordination schneller zurückzugewinnen
Effektives Ganzkörper-Workout in nur 5 Minuten täglich – ideal zur Stärkung von Muskeln und Gelenken
Fördert eine gesunde Körperhaltung und beugt Fehlhaltungen sowie muskulären Dysbalancen vor
Lindert Verspannungen, reduziert Stress und verbessert die Durchblutung
Schont Gelenke und Bänder durch sanfte, seitenalternierende Schwingungstechnologie
Steigert die Fettverbrennung und aktiviert die Tiefenmuskulatur für mehr Stabilität und Kraft
Kompakt, leise und perfekt für Zuhause – hochwertig verarbeitet und belastbar bis 280 kg
Inklusive Tablet für personalisiertes Training mit individuellen Programmen für Fitness, Therapie und Regeneration


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Tausende glückliche Anwender 4.9/5 Sterne

Exercises with pads and mats

Übungen mit Polster & Matten

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Product information "SiWAVE MULTI Home "Made in Germany"

SiWAVE MULTI Home with tablet without tablet stand - "MADE IN GERMANY" -

The SiWAVE MULTI professional device is known from physiotherapy, sports facilities and rehabilitation clinics. By popular demand, the entry-level model of the SiWAVE MULTI generation for the home has now been added to the range with the “ SiWAVE MULTI HOME ” vibration device. The German quality and the robust construction, which allows a load of over 280 kg, enables a 2-year guarantee. In sports, they are in constant use for 8 to 12 hours a day. The “SiWAVE MULTI HOME” is ideal in conjunction with the new SiWAVE cushions and mats . This means you can practically train your entire body and create your own fitness center at home. Many references from doctors, athletes and private individuals confirm the satisfaction of our customers. (See 

The SiWAVE MULTI HOME vibration device is developed according to the latest scientific findings and oscillates with the sine wave. In order to enable you to achieve a physiologically correct position on the SiWAVE MULTI HOME, the device works with two side-by-side, side-alternating* plates. You just have to go back and forth to change the amplitude. The user's individual step width does not have to be changed. *Side alternating oscillation = rocking movement - the left and right sides of the plate move up and down in opposite directions. Simulates human gait. They practically walk standing up.

Each device comes with a detailed instruction manual with training suggestions and a manual for using the mats and pads.

Technical data: Amplitude 3.5mm, total stroke 7mm amplitude, 24 kg, connection values ​​350 watts, frequency: 5-28 HZ, 230V, tablet "MADE IN GERMANY" 2 year guarantee,

The dimensions of the stand are: length 440 mm, width 420 mm, height 150 mm. The device frame is available in white or black.

Your benefits

  • Get fit in 5 minutes of training per day
  • Abdominal and back muscles are effectively trained
  • Promotes blood circulation
  • Muscle growth
  • Prevents damage caused by poor posture
  • Optimal warm-up before training
  • All in One Workout, Full Body Workout
  • Compact and quiet
  • Helps with tension and stress
  • Fat burning is accelerated
  • Control tablet for personalized training
  • Physiological (natural) form of movement
  • Preventionof the following indications

refund policy

14 day return policy. Our terms and conditions apply.


Free Shipping. Delivery time within 10-14 working days.

Wie funktioniert SiWAVE Multi?

SiWAVE Multi

Die Weltneuheit: SiWAVE Multi

Erleben Sie eine revolutionäre Technik, die Ihnen in nur 8 Minuten 10.000 Schritte und 700 verbrannte Kalorien ermöglicht. Verbessern Sie Ihre Gesundheit nachhaltig mit Hilfe von SiWAVE. Empfohlen von Wissenschaftlern, Ärzten, Therapeuten und Patienten.

SiWAVE Modelle vergleichen

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SiWAVE MULTI HOME, Schwingungsgerät Art.3995


SiWAVE MULTI BASIC Schwingungsgerät Art.4001





SiWAVE MULTI HOME, Schwingungsgerät Art.3995


SiWAVE MULTI BASIC Schwingungsgerät Art.4001




Natürliche Bewegungsform durch 2 separat gegenläufige Platten



Schwingung statt Vibration -Harmonische Bewegung



Schnelles Workout





Is the control tablet always with you?

Yes, the tablet is included with all SiWAVE devices.

How will my SiWAVE device be delivered?

The device is delivered ready to start, you can get started straight away.

What exactly does a SiWAVE device do for me?


Delivery is free for orders over €100. The delivery time is approx. 10 working days.

Übungen mit Polster & Matten